Several days after the roof collapsed, no plane wreckage is visible anywhere. Remember, the official government account says the airplane "vaporized" - including the engines and the black box. If you try really hard - can you see any evidence of an airplane?
A pristine lawn. Where is the damage to the lawn? According to the government, the airplane hit at the very bottom of the building but didn't leave any scorch marks in the grass? Again, where is the wreckage of an airplane? The public has never seen any proof of plane wreckage.
Once again, no evidence of any plane wreckage. No wings, no tail, no engines. Lawn unharmed. Both the Bush & Obama administrations have refused access by independent investigators to examine any wreckage the government or the FAA, may have.
Both administrations also refuse to release the over 80 Pentagon security cameras footage which, if they really showed an airplane hitting the Pentagon, we can all assume they would release the videos.
Our thanks to David Farr who sent the following video. It does a really good job of pointing out so many of the inconsistencies in the official story.
Press play to watch/read this brief presentation. It is flash so you need to wait for it to load completely before it begins. This brief film brings into question the official government account of the Pentagon attack. The music can get kind of loud, so I RECOMMEND TURNING DOWN YOUR SPEAKERS. Magicians for 9/11 Truth is running a slightly larger version here.
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