Ending the tale that wags the dog.
9/11 MUSEUM VIRTUAL WALKING TOUR The Virtual Walking Tour uses the physical exhibit items in the National 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero to te...
LOGIC - The Ten Commendments
We found this on Facebook, but every "Truther" will run into this when trying to tell people that 9/11 is a lie. Notes: #5 Yes ...
Mainstream journalists expose 9/11 hoax
Several leading American mainstream journalists say that the US government is lying about 9/11 and the so-called war on terror. Unfortunatel...
Kevin Ryan's Summary of the Suspects of 9/11:
This is an excellent summary of the suspects of 9/11 by researcher Kevin Ryan.
THE MISSING 9/11 PLANES. Again, the facts don't add up.
Those endless details within the official story of 9/11 simply do not pass the smell test. Check this out:
DISINFORMATION: "Saddam the Baby Killer"
Remember Nayirah, the weepy young Kuwaiti girl who testified before Congress? She said she saw Iraqi soldiers storm the hospital where...
9/11 TRUTH GROUP MEETINGS in New Hampshire
"The Merrimack Valley 9/11 Truth Meetup Group meets three Tuesdays a month. 1st, Nashua, NH 2nd, Manchester, NH 3rd, Conc...
ARTICLE: Did Muslims Attack America on 9/11?
By Ibn e Abdul Haq, April 2013 Source: World News Daily Information Clearing House April 309, 2013 "Information Clearing House...
9/11 WTC Melted Steel Samples NIST
Slide show of melted and paritially disintegrated steel core columns, spandrels, trusses, I-Beams, melted and tangled spagetti like ste...
Resource Links
Here are a few of the best lecture about why we need a new investigation of the events connected to the mass murder on 9/11. NOTE: You wil...
April Gallop's Attorney, Bill Veale, Speaks Out
April Gallop and her son This is a fairly lengthy article in November 2012 by William Veale, the attorney for 9/11 Pentagon victim and...
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