Below, archeologists examine the remnants of a centuries old wooden ship at the WTC site in lower Manhatttan in NYC on July 15, 2010.
The decayed hull of the ship was unearthed at the WTC construction site, providing a glimpse into the history of Manhattan, archeologists said. The ship likely dated back at least 200 years when part of the river was filled in with trash, debris and wooden beams to expand land mass of a fast-growing Manhattan.
NEW YORK (AP).- The ship was buried as junk two centuries ago — landfill to expand a bustling little island of commerce called Manhattan. When it re-emerged this week, surrounded by skyscrapers, it was an instant treasure that popped up from the mud near ground zero.
A 32-foot piece of the vessel was discovered in soil 20 feet under street level, amid noisy bulldozers excavating a parking garage for the future World Trade Center. Near the site of so many grim finds — Sept. 11 victims' remains, twisted steel — this one was as unexpected as it was thrilling.
A 32-foot piece of the vessel was discovered in soil 20 feet under street level, amid noisy bulldozers excavating a parking garage for the future World Trade Center. Near the site of so many grim finds — Sept. 11 victims' remains, twisted steel — this one was as unexpected as it was thrilling.
i believe it has to be something really important in that ship for americea to blow up the twin towers to find it and kill lives in the process.. but who knows it probably have the anwser to save us all in the future