William Schaap: The Media, CIA, FBI & Disinformation
It has been suggested that this is what you can show people who do not want to hear ANYthing about 911 at all!
On November 30, 1999. William Schaap gives expert, informed testimony on the US Government's use of the media for disinformation and propaganda purposes, with a focus on the FBI and CIA.
This is highly recommended viewing for those people trying to understand how it is that the truth of certain events, like 9/11, can be so successfully spun into something completely different by the people who want to make it so.
In this 8-part series Dr. William F. Pepper leads the co-publisher of Covert Action Quarterly, William Schaap, through a history of US Government Approved disinformation, beginning with examples in WWI and then WWII, when things really began to take off.
The techniques of disinformation that the government employed during war-time were carried over into peace-time under the aegis of the Cold War.
Schaap sites specific examples of CIA and FBI disinformation, concluding with Hoover's FBI attacks on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
William Schaap, Attorney, Graduated from the University of Chicago Law School in 1964. Has been a practicing lawyer since then. A member of the bar of the State of New York and of the District of Columbia, he specialized in military law in the 1970's. He also practiced in military law in Asia and Europe. He later became the editor in chief of the Military Law Reporter in Washington for a number of years. In the 70's and 80's he was a staff counsel of the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City and in the late 1980's was an adjunct professor at John J. College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York.
Since 1977 or '78, in addition to being a practicing lawyer, Schaap was a journalist and a publisher - a writer specializing in intelligence-related matters and particularly their relationship to the media. For more than 20 years he has been the co-publisher of a magazine called the Covert Action Quarterly which particularly deals with reporting on intelligence agencies, primarily U.S. agencies but also foreign.
He published a magazine for a number of years called Lies Of Our Times which specifically was a magazine about propaganda and disinformation. Also he has been the managing director of the Institute for Media Analysis for a number of years. For about 20 years he was one of the principals in a publishing company called Sheraton Square Press that published books and pamphlets relating to intelligence and the media.
William Schaap has written dozens of articles on - particularly on media and intelligence and edited books on the subject. He has contributed sections to a number of other books and has had many of his articles, appear in other publications around the world including New York Times, Washington Post and major media outlets.
In other words, William Schaap is an expert on the subject of The Media, CIA and Disinformation.
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