How "Official" Disinformation Works
I found this letter in an Amazon Review of one of David Ray Griffin's books, "The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé." The author (Kameelyun) is writing about a man who identifies himself as "James B" who writes reviews that promote the official story and he attempts to lie about and discredit those who examine the evidence and see the truth. Click here to view the source.
Dr. Griffin,
I've admired your work ever since NPH. I'm glad you set the record straight regarding the context of the exchanges between you and James B.
For those that aren't aware, James B is a well known online shill defender of the official theory, most likely paid to do so.* He along with Pat Curley are the main brainchilds behind the screw loose change blog and are regulars at the JREF conspiracy forum.
They along with Mark Roberts and Ron Wieck like to troll major internet sites like amazon and youtube and use O'Reilly-style spin, distortion, and half-truth in order to smear academics, engineers, pilots, ex air force, and regular citizens who question the official 9/11 story.
*A proven historical example of how "paid shills" (in this case the PR firm Hill & Knowleton) influence public opinion. People being paid to lie to millions.
(See video above)
It took the Canadian media to expose this American lie, because the US media just didn't have the guts. Things hadn't changed by 2001 and they still haven't today.
Editor's Footnote: Thanks Canada!
Read about the Eight Traits of the disinformationalist here.
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